Protest Together!
The Outreach and Service Committee wanted to make church members aware of some nationwide economic protests directed at the current federal administration. None are marches - all call for an economic response only.
On Friday, Feb. 28th, the grassroots project The People's Union is sponsoring a National Economic Blackout. They are asking everyone to refrain from any spending for 24 hours.
On March 7-14, The People's Union is sponsoring a Boycott of Amazon. They ask that no purchases be made from Amazon that week.
More about the first two protests can be found here.
On Friday, March 14th, there has been a call in many places (starting in Texas) for a National Strike. Workers are to take PTO that day if possible. You can read about the demands of the strikers at or look at the Facebook event here.
We encourage you to read up on the projects and decide if you are called to participate as part of your Christian witness.
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper!
Our traditional Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper returns Tuesday, March 4th, from 5:45 - 7 pm in First Church's Fellowship Hall. Please come enjoy pancakes, sausage, and fresh fruit, while helping to raise money for summer camp scholarships for our youth!
Vegan and gluten-free options will be available, as well as add-ins like chocolate chips and blueberries. Bring your friends and help send our kids to camp!
Want to help with cooking, serving, setup, or takedown? Please contact Jen at, and she'll make sure we find a place for you!
Go deep for Lent!
Mirroring the 2025 General Synod theme, "Into the Deep," our 2025 Lent Devotional invites reflection on God's mysterious depths.
As Mary Luti writes in the introduction, "God inhabits the depths of life, love, loss, ecstasy, and pain, God dwells in the profundities of prayer, in sighs too deep for words. God loves the deep."
What courage, what faith, what reckoning, what wonder might find us as we go deep into God's depths this Lent?
We have several FREE copies of this book on the Welcome Table. Donations are welcomed, but not required. For those that don't get a hard copy of the book, you are also able to purchase a PDF for $3.00 and/or hardcopy version of the book for $5.00 using the link here. If purchasing the PDF version, please purchase one PDF per reader. Upon purchase, a link will be emailed to you for downloading the PDF.
Any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to the office at or (440)775-1711.
Daylight Saving Time
Daylight Saving Time begins Sunday, March 9th. Make sure to spring your clocks an hour ahead!
Cooking Class in First Church Kitchen on Saturday, March 15, 10 am - noon
Pile on to PI Day by learning how to make Union City Dinor’s ever-popular Graham Cracker Cream Pie! Jan Heron, whose parents owned the dinor and where Jan spent a lot of time preparing food, will lead this hands-on class. She'll share the recipe and guide participants through the steps to make this delicious dessert. (Yes, that's the way they spelled diner in Union City, PA.)
The class is limited to twelve (12) people and sign up is essential. Email Linda Slocum ( or sign up in the hallway leading to Fellowship Hall at Church.
Celebrate the arrival of spring with a Spring Chicken Dinner at our Wednesday Night Supper, March 19th at 5:45 PM!
Ensure your place at the table! Sign up by clicking here. Or, there is a paper sign-up sheet in the hallway to Fellowship Hall. Everyone is welcome. Vegetarian and gluten-free choices will be available.
Calling all pie bakers to make dessert! Sign up to bring a pie or two and add a sweet touch to our gathering.
To help make the evening run more smoothly, we could use some help in the kitchen. Indicate on the signup form whether you are available to help with setting up before the meal or cleaning up afterward. Linda Slocum will contact you a few days prior to the supper to confirm whether your help is needed.
First Church building rental opportunities
The First Church buildings offer numerous opportunities for meetings, rehearsals, concerts, weddings, and family events. After long study, a reasonable rental fee schedule has been worked out to offer fair use of the facility to our members and our neighbors. Large rooms (the Meeting House, Fellowship Hall, or JFO Room) and small rooms (upstairs classrooms, Room 4, Reading Room) can be reserved by the hour or by the half day. Discounted rates for church members and community partners may be available. The city of Oberlin has limited spaces available for events, and we are happy to offer our facility to help fill that need for our neighbors.
There Are Requirements for Making Submissions to our First Things First eNews!
In an effort to make our eNews more readable and shorten the length, we have created new guidelines for submitting posts! The guidelines are as follows.
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Thank you for your patience and understanding as we try to make our eNews experience more manageable for our readers!
Faith Formation News!
As always, call Jen or the office to get a link for any and all of these events!